Message from President

I’m President and Founder of SADA. I am a graduate of the renowned King Edward Medical College, Lahore and have completed my postgraduate qualification and training from University of Manchester, England.

Since 1994, I have been practicing as a consultant Audiologist / Audiological physician in Pakistan and have attended nearly 500,000 patients with hearing impairment, to date. I’ve always strongly felt the need to assist the underprivileged patients in our Society. It was this vision that I shared with my wife and together we started SADA in 2013. Since then we have been successfully attending to hearing impaired children, belonging to low income families, free of cost and helping them by providing all diagnostic and rehabilitative services

Working as an Audiological physician over the last 26 years, I have seen people, especially children suffer from hearing loss and its terrible effects on their lives. While I have always made an effort to lessen the pain, we need the support of masses to reach out to more deserving children and families to make a big difference in their lives.

I initiated SADA (Society for Audiological and Development Ailments) as the voice and sound for the children with hearing impairment. SADA is a non profit, Non government, and a non political organization formed in 2013. SADA was registered in 2014 as an NGO with the Dept. of Social Welfare Government of the Punjab.

In Pakistan, we have a staggering number of 1.5 million children who are hearing impaired. Many other people having the love and pain for humanity stood by me and helped me in this cause and today by the grace of Allah Almighty we are serving hundreds of children every year but we want to reach out to thousands more as the need is great!

Dr Afzaal Alam

President – SADA
